We are pleased to annunce that the new book of our CEO Antonio Gumina, Extrusion process & problem solving for cables production, is now available. Here below a brief explanation of main topics.
What happens, why it happens, how to solve and calculate. This book has been written with the merely scope to help operators, mechanical, process and production engineers during the cable production process. Designing a performing extrusion line means knowing the extrusion process even being a line operator, a chemist, a process engineer, a mechanical engineer. The author aims to explain, theoretically and practically, the extrusion process for cable industry and the commonly used machines and components. He practically explains the concept of WWH, so What happens, Why it happens, How to solve and calculate. In this book, there are years of study and experiences on chemical and rheology of the plastics materials, design of extrusion lines machines, commissioning of the extrusion lines and extrusion process on the cable field. Real problem solving, tips & tricks, production advice, practical calculations have been faced and explained.
The first print run is sold out, we are printing more copies to meet all requests. To preoder your copy, please fill in the module available on this link: https://www.bit.ly/guminabook. The author is also available to organize book presentation conferences.